Your Healing Journey Awaits You

It’s time to live life as a softer woman

Hey ladies! It’s been a minute since I’ve written in my blog. I’ve missed talking with you all. How are you? What has life been giving you? How are you feeling about this New Year? What will be new about you? Update me. It’s been a while. While you’re updating me, may I suggest you pull out a pen and pad and jot down the answer to those questions. Let’s use them as a form of introspection. Speaking of introspection—in order to heal, you will need to go inward. Inside of you. Are you ready to go deep? Beneath the surface? Beneath your mask? Your emotional bypassing and codependent behaviors? Your low self esteem? Your perfectionist ways? If you are ready to heal—be prepared to get to the root of your why. Why do you do the things you do? The people pleasing? The unsavory sex you settle for? Your negative self talk? The reasons you continue to stay? As you go along your journey, you will find the answers.

Entering Your Era as a Softer Woman

If you are familiar with the latest social medial trends, you may be aware of the soft life trend. It entails a depiction of women who are reclaiming their time while leaning into a life of ease. I love it. I enjoy living a life of ease. I loathe hard work. However, the route that I have taken to get to a life where I am emphatically a softer woman—is not complimentary of  glamorous pictures, expensive destinations, champagne glasses and plush robes. Now, I am in no way posturing the belief that a woman cannot receive a sense of softness from living a lifestyle as such. I am; however, going to make clear, the soft woman you will become from healing, will require more than a photo op. It will require more than your passport book or your biweekly nail and skincare appointments. It will require all of you. Prepare to be pulled up by your roots and replanted like a seed in soil. You will change. You will never be the same again. You will turn over a life of guardedness, emotional instability, insecurities, unhealthy relationships, low standards, low self worth and whatever else is lying dormant in you waiting to be conjured up.

Exit Trends. Enter Your Healing Journey.

Look, ladies. I get it. Hard work does not sound appealing, and healing requires work. It will require conscious work, mindset work, shadow work, emotional labor, work, work. It will undoubtedly be one of the workiest works you’ve ever worked. You will work to turn in your hard ways for a life as a softer woman. Your work will reveal what has been buried at your core waiting to erupt and spill over. Spilling over so you can clean it up. Cleaning your life up will have you cascading away from survival and arriving at a life of constant thrival. When you heal, your entire life gets 100 times better. Are the soft life pictures cute? Yes. But when you are lacking the real work, your pictures will be just that. Cute pictures on a timeline. Cute pictures in a frame. Cute pictures of a woman who bypassed the hard work, forgoing the holistic soft life experience.

Healing tip: Exit the trends. Enter your healing era. You deserve the whole loaf. No more feeding yourself breadcrumbs.

Now, I pose this question to you: Are you ready for your healing journey?


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