Pause For The Cause

Hey girl

I haven’t sent out my weekly healing reminders or blogs for the last two weeks. First, I would like to apologize. It is important I am a woman of my word. I told you we would talk self care the entire month of April, and we didn’t. My relationships are important to me. It is important I nurture them with honesty. One lesson I am learning as I navigate creating a community of women who are dedicated to their self development: Show up as I do in all of my relationships. This is a healthy relationship I am building. I will do the same with you.

Now, let’s take a pause for the cause. What are we pausing for? What is this cause I am speaking about? Well, your girl will be graduating from Grad School in precisely 12 days. Yes, I ‘ll be a Masters recipient, receiving accolades and accomplishments for all my hard work. Sidenote: Before working on myself, I would rarely give myself my flowers. Now, yea, I did that. That’s me. I am claiming it out loud. Homegirl, do you give yourself your flowers out loud?

Now, back to the pause for the cause. So, girl, yea, due to the build-up, focus and energy, needed for my impending graduation, I will need to take a pause from my weekly healing reminders and bi-weekly blogs.

In addition to preparing for my big day, I have senior activities, papers and assignments to complete. Hair, nails, waxes and more. Then, there’s the anxiety. The anxiety I have been feeling about ending a monumentous journey. For the last four years, as life events have rattled me to my core, I have poured myself into grad school. Often, I have thoughts on what my life will look like after grad school. Will I try and fill that time with new responsibilities, or allow myself to rest? (Thankful for my loved ones and therapist who remind me to allow myself to rest). Who will she be—because I won’t be the same woman I was when I entered grad school. That woman was entering a serious healing journey. She had no idea the ways her life was about to unravel and bloom into what is now a new normal.

I wonder what Heal Thy Homegirl will evolve into. School took a lot of my mental energy and focus. Now, I will have so much freedom. As I am leaving one destination and arriving at my next, I want to go deeper into me. I want to get closer to myself. I need to bring my focus to my journey and me. I need to make sure I am doing this transition right. This is a new level I am reaching. I need to be locked in.

Homegirl, I will return a different woman than the one I am typing this letter to you. I am entering my next level.

I will return after I arrive and get settled in.

In the mean time, love yourself, honor yourself, safe spaces, well words, high standards, self respect, grace and compassion.

See you soon, homegirl.


Rachel K (Your homegirl in healing)


I’ve Mastered It-So Can You


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