Hey, girlies. Welcome to my wonderful world of writing. It is my wish that through your reading, you are able to self reflect, assess your own journey, process and release what is no longer needed. Happy healing, homegirls.

Old Hoes. Half Truths
Rachel K Rachel K

Old Hoes. Half Truths

I needed a woman to teach me about respecting myself, valuing myself, creating standards for myself and the importance of honoring me. I needed to meet this woman. I wanted to see her, smell her, hear the power in her voice, and watch the assertiveness in her demeanor. Sadly, we never met.

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Are You My Daddy?
Rachel K Rachel K

Are You My Daddy?

Where the divorce ended, my turn up began. I was a little girl. Not just any little girl, though. I was daddy’s little girl. A true daddy’s girl through and through. My father could do no wrong in my eyes. He was my knight in shining armor.

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Slow and Steady, Sis.
Rachel K Rachel K

Slow and Steady, Sis.

While moisturizing, doing your skincare routine (We are taking care of our skin, right?), getting dressed, grooming, prepping and even pleasing yourself, move slowly. Take the time to bring your awareness to what you are doing. For instance, when you are moisturizing your body, feel your skin. How does your skin feel? How does it look? Is there a fragrance to the lotion, cream, oil, or butter you are using? How does it smell?

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Bye, Girl.
Rachel K Rachel K

Bye, Girl.

Ok, so you want a new life. You get the call—a pull to go in a new direction. It looks different than the path you are used to traversing. You are afraid. You are used to the faces, spaces, and places you’ve made ties with during your lifetime. You don’t know what awaits you on this new path. You know you want better, different, new, more, a change; however, you are stuck.

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Flights Not Feelings
Rachel K Rachel K

Flights Not Feelings

The month was January. The year was 2019. I walked into my then therapist’s office, determined to figure out why there were so many highs and lows in my current romantic relationship. I had spoken to my then boyfriend about the need for us to go to therapy, or else, we would not be able to survive our relationship. (Feeling the need to survive within a relationship is a key indicator that there is an unhealthy emotional connection, sis.)

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Step Your Cookies Up
Rachel K Rachel K

Step Your Cookies Up

It’s time for you to step your cookies up and your girl is here to help you do just that. When I speak about your cookies, I’m referring to your standards. It’s time to raise your standards, so you can continue to rise in life. Without any further ado, yall already know how it goes, let’s get into it.

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I’ve Mastered It-So Can You
Rachel K Rachel K

I’ve Mastered It-So Can You

One of the many self acceptance issues I have dealt with is body image. I have struggled with body dyysmorphia, eating disorders, intense and at times unhealthy weight loss measures, extreme negative self talk and looking in the mirror only to pick myself apart and beat me down. Homegirl, it was not until I went on my journey of healing aka minding my business, that I realized how detrimental my self resistance was. It was bad. It led me to binge eating, overeating, undereating and starving myself. Anything to get to a place where I would accept my body. Chile, the gag is, in order to accept my body, I needed to stop resisting my body. Whoooo, that’s a word!

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Pause For The Cause
Rachel K Rachel K

Pause For The Cause

Now, let’s take a pause for the cause. What are we pausing for? What is this cause I am speaking about? Well, your girl will be graduating from Grad School in precisely 12 days. Yes, I ‘ll be a Masters recipient, receiving accolades and accomplishments for all my hard work, in two weeks. Sidenote: Before working on myself, I would rarely give myself my flowers. Now, yea, I did that. That’s me. I am claiming it out loud. Homegirl, do you give yourself your flowers out loud?

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Your Feminine Essence Is Your Gift 
Rachel K Rachel K

Your Feminine Essence Is Your Gift 

Prior to starting my healing journey, I had no clue what my feminine essence was. The women before me did not talk about it. And they did not show me with the way they lived their lives. As a child, I knew I was a girl. As I grew into adulthood, I knew I was a woman. So, what was this feminine essence talk I was hearing about?

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Sisterhood: Friend or Foe?
Rachel K Rachel K

Sisterhood: Friend or Foe?

Identify your tribe- Sis, everybody is not for you and that’s okay. Every time I see that someone has unsubscribed from my email list, I feel good. I need women who want to be a part of HTH’s community. Anyone else is taking up space. Please apply this school of thinking to your life. It doesn’t have to be a flaw on your end, or you not being worthy or wanted. It could just be, they aren’t your tribe. (Unless you know you’re out here causing chaos. If so, it’s healing season, sis). An important part in finding your tribe, is finding you. As a woman who has done a lot of maturing, I know for a fact, “birds of a

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Cheers To Taking Your Power Back
Rachel K Rachel K

Cheers To Taking Your Power Back

After surrendering my life to God, I had to do the internal work to see me in the image God showed me of myself. Chile, that was a whole other journey. A woman whose value is high, is a powerful woman. Whether she is in the projects or a penthouse suite. A Geo Metro or a G Wagon. Eating five star or Friday’s. She knows who she is. This comes from within. The externals are extra.

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Are You Her?
Rachel K Rachel K

Are You Her?

I was not living for her. I was not loving for her. I didn’t always think for her. Often, I was meant with a struggle on identifying who she truly was. Who was she outside of what she had been told and shown to be? Her environment and exposure made up her identity. They intertwined and became her story. (I wouldn’t learn this until I started healing.) Who is this woman I keep speaking of? The woman I use to be. The woman I was before I found me. I was not her. Yet.

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Nine Tips From a Woman in Her Last Year of Her 30's 
Rachel K Rachel K

Nine Tips From a Woman in Her Last Year of Her 30's 

I remember being in my teens and early twenties, hearing women who were older discuss losing friends being a normal part of life. I couldn’t fathom that. Lose my friends? My friend circle had been my friend circle forever. Well, as a 39-year-old woman, my perspective on that has changed. We may outgrow friendships. Outgrowing friendships does not have to be a negative or bad thing. It’s a part of life. I’ve outgrown the woman I was before I started healing.

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Your Healing Journey Awaits You
Rachel K Rachel K

Your Healing Journey Awaits You

Now, I am in no way posturing the belief that a woman cannot receive a sense of softness from living a lifestyle as such. I am; however, going to make clear, the soft woman you will become from healing, will require more than a photo op. It will require more than your passport book or your biweekly nail and skincare appointments. It will require all of you. Prepare to be pulled up by your roots and replanted like a seed in soil.

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Self-Love Is Yours. Do You Want It?
Rachel K Rachel K

Self-Love Is Yours. Do You Want It?

I did not always love myself. It was a journey. As I furthered on my journey, my love for myself grew. Be patient. It will take time to learn what you need. It will take time for you to give it to yourself on a consistent basis. You will need to nurture yourself and your love so it will grow. Envision you are a flower rooted in a garden. If you aren’t cared for, you will not grow. You will wither away. There are still days when I must remind myself to give me what I need, and to be what I need for me. Life is a lot. Life be life’n, girl. I fall off track at times. During those moments, I give myself grace and I

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I Tried Resting. Let’s Discuss My Experience.
Rachel K Rachel K

I Tried Resting. Let’s Discuss My Experience.

Rest? Yea, right. Be still? Why did I deserve stillness when I wasn’t even clocking in to fulfill someone else’s dream, while draining myself of mine? I mean, that’s definitely what I had been programmed to believe was law. If you don’t work, you don’t eat. Well in this case I told myself, if you don’t work, you don’t rest. And so, resting was hard.

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No More Poor Relationship Choices
Rachel K Rachel K

No More Poor Relationship Choices

One thing I’ve learned about dating and relationships, since healing, is choose who makes sense. Ladies, we tend to move off our emotions. How I feel about him. How I feel about how he looks. How much money he makes and a bunch of other stuff that has nothing to do with the longterm goal. Feelings are fleeting. They come and go. Girls, y’all already know we can have butterflies for him at 2pm and daggers in our eyes for him by 545pm

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Hard Women Hurt
Rachel K Rachel K

Hard Women Hurt

I use to be hard as fuck, so I know a hard woman when I see one. After interacting with hard women, since becoming softer, more receptive and vulnerable, here are three boundaries I’ve had to set with myself.

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Finally, I am Thriving.
Rachel K Rachel K

Finally, I am Thriving.

Healing and awakening has opened my eyes to so many truths. One hard truth for me, the realization of being surrounded by so many woman who are closed off, unreceptive, they don’t ask for help, they lack vulnerability, they’re hard, suppressing all the time, constantly working, going and doing, unknowingly sabotaging in different ways that are keeping them in a constant cycle of survival. A harder truth..

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